Graphic Design
Graphic design is actually what I studied in university 10 years ago. I fell in-love with printing processes and typography back then and is a role that I enjoy very much. Anything that has to do with bringing brands to life, preparing collaterals and materials is something that
I will do with a smile on my face since design is broad and something I love to explore. My latest projects included adventuring into the videogames world including marketing materials, brand applications, posters and printable objects.

Illustration is a passion of mine that keeps growing with the passing years. I love to create pieces that can represent other things but also I like to bring colour and fun to spaces that otherwise would look boring.
I’ve created stationery, podcast covers and illustrations, blog pieces that accompanied articles, patterns and animations for clients and also for fun.

I immensely enjoy capturing the world around me. In my travels, I like to take time to find those special spots that bring me visual joy. I’m definitely learning and is not something I consider I’m a professional at but is indeed something that I would like to keep exploring.
I use a Sony A7C camera for most of my digital takes and a 35mm Pentax vintage camera when I can handle a bit of extra weight and time on my takes.